Datex Ohmeda Cardiocap 5 Features Small footprint bedside monitor with large 10.4" active matrix color display. - Proven easy-to-use S/5 user interface. - Shows up to 6 waveforms. - Color-coded, prioritized alarms. - 4 user-configurable modes for care-specific preconfigurations. - Waveform snaphot to store and recall waveform samples for later analysis. - On-line help for menu functions. - 5 or 30-minute minitrends continuously on screen for quick historical view. - 24-hour graphical trends of all parameters. - Adjustable display brightness. - Optional built-in, three-channel thermal array recorder. - Built-in back-up battery to handle sudden power down situations. - Wall mount, roll stand available for best workplace ergonomics. - Compatible with Datex-Ohmeda S/5 Network and Central for monitor-to-monitor communication and centralized viewing. Integrated, hemodynamic and airway gas monitor specifically designed for operating and recovery rooms. Proven Datex-Ohmeda intuitive user interface, including anesthesia-dedicated menu logic and alarm philosophy, as in all System 5 monitors. Small and compact for places where space is at a premium. Large numerical values and waveforms provide excellent visibility from a distance. Built-in back up battery to handle sudden losses of power. Convenient mounting system for roll-stands, wall and anesthesia machine mounts. Datex Ohmeda Cardiocap 5 Specifications Dimensions Size: (W x D x H) 330 x 220 x 300 mm, (13.0 x 8.7 x 11.8 in) Weight: F-MXG: < 11.2 kg, (24.8 lb), F-MX: < 10.2 kg, (22.6 lb Power 100-240 VAC ±10%, 60/50 Hz Back-up battery 15 min minimum, charging time typically 5h Graphical trends 20 min, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 24h Numerical trends All parameters, sampled every 5 min and after NIBP measurement Alarms Adjustable high and low limit alarms Recorder (optional) Thermal array, 3-channels, paper width 50 mm. Local printing PCL-5 and later compatible laser printers Screen Display size and type 10.4 inch LCD active matrix colorNumber of traces Up to 6. Display resolution 640 x 480 pixels ECG Number of channels 3 Number of leads 3 or 5 ST analysis 3 channels, continuous Heart rate Measurement range 30 to 250 beats per min (bpm) Measurement accuracy ±5% or ±5 bpm, whichever is greater Pacemaker pulse detection 2 to 500 mV, 0.5 to 2 ms Impedance Respiration Measurement method Measurement uses ECG electrodes to measure the impedance changes as a result of breathing. Measurement range 4 to 120 breaths/min Pulse Oximetry (SpO2), Datex Legacy Standard Plethysmographic waveform/plethysmogram Measurement method Red and infrared light absorbtion SpO2 Measurement range SpO2 40% to 100% Pulse rate 30 to 250 bpm Measurement accuracy, SpO2 (±1SD) 100% to 80%, ±2 digits Below 50%, unspecified Pulse rate measurement accuracy ±5% or ±5 bpm Pulse Oximetry (SpO2), Datex Legacy Standard Pulse Oximetry (SpO2), Datex Ohmida Enhanced Enhanced oxygen saturation (N-XOSAT option) 3915 152nd St NE | Marysville, WA 98271 | 1.800.827.3747 Plethysmographic waveform/plethysmogram Measurement range, SpO2 1% to 100% Pulse rate range 30 to 250 bpm Measurement accuracy, SpO2 (±1SD) 100% to 70% ±2 digits or 100% to 70%, ±3 digits under clinical patient motion conditions Below 70% unspecified Pulse rate measurement accuracy ±2% or ±2 bpm (whichever is greater