GE CapnoFlex LF Sidestream CO2 Module Features The innovative design of the GE CapnoFlex LF sidesteam CO2 Module has no moving parts making it rugged and accurate. A claim which is backed by an outstanding 3-year parts and labor warranty on the sensor. All this is accomplished using non-dispersive infrared absorption (NDIR) analysis to continuously measure inspired CO2, expired CO2 and respiration rate. The sensor simply snaps onto the airway adapter which is connected to the endotracheal tube in the breathing circuit. A crisp, accurate, diagnostic waveform is displayed within 30 seconds and is completely operational within 2 min. Intubated patients from adult to neonate are measured with the mainstream Capnostat CO2 sensor. A wide selection of airway adapters are available including disposable/reusable, adult/neonatal. Mainstream CO2 technology significantly improves secretion handling and response time from that found in sidestream systems.