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SOMA Technology


Brand:   ERBE
Condition:   SellerRefubrished
The APC 300 is the 1st generation Gastrointestinal Intervention system.
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ERBE APC 300 Features The APC 300 is the 1st generation Gastrointestinal Intervention system. The Argon Plasma System redefines interventional treatment options in flexible endoscopic intervention, both gastrointestinal and tracheobronchial. Cutting Coagulation Handling Safety ERBE APC 300 Specifications Cutting Cut control - for automatic perfect cuts High cut with specialized arc regulation for underwater cuts or in fatty structures Endo cut - the cutting mode for endoscopy Mono- und biopolar cutting (Bipolar Cut) Power Peak System (PPS) for intelligent support of initial incision and cutting Coagulation Precisely controlled coagulation and no carbonization with Soft Coag Forced Coag - for situations where speed is essential Spray Coag - for efficient surface coagulation Argon-Plasma Coagulation unit ERBE APC 300 hookup as standard equipment Mono- und bipolar coagulation (Bipolar Coag) Twin Coag - for comfortable coagulation on two channels: connector and individual settings for two Coag instruments Auto Start and Auto Stop - for coagulation support Handling Maximum user-friendly operation via 11 individually configurable programs Safety Nessy the one-of-a-kind Neutral Electrode Safety System Double-safe cutting with Cut Control and Biopolar Cut