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Bear Cub 750 PSV Infant Ventilator

Bear Cub 750 PSV Infant Ventilator

Brand:   Bear
Condition:   SellerRefubrished
The BEAR CUB™ 750 PVS ventilator can be classified as a microprocessor controlled, time cycled, pressure limited, dual flow, neonatal/pediatric critical care ventilator. Breaths are initiated either by the ventilator (controlled), by patient activity (assisted), or by the operator (manual).
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Bear Cub 750 PSV Features The BEAR CUB™ 750 PVS ventilator can be classified as a microprocessor controlled, time cycled, pressure limited, dual flow, neonatal/pediatric critical care ventilator. Breaths are initiated either by the ventilator (controlled), by patient activity (assisted), or by the operator (manual). Pneumatic Ventilator Gas Inlet Conditioning Accurate blending of gases in the O2 blender Flow Control Valve Auxiliary Gas Outlet Pressure Control System Flow Sensor Bear Cub 750 PSV Specifications Controls Mode: Flow Cycle AC, AC, SIMV/IMV, SIMV/PSV, Flow Cycled SIMV CPAP/PSV Rate: 1 to 150 bpm Inspiratory Time: 0.1 to 3.0 sec PEEP: 0 to 30 cmH2O Inspiratory Pressure: 0 to 72 cmH2O Manual Breath: x1 Assist Sensitivity: 0.02 to 5.0 L/min Over Pressure Relief: 15 to 75 cmH2O % O2: 21 to 100% Apnea Alarm (selectable): 5, 10, 20 or 30 sec Monitors Breath Rate: 0 to 255 bpm Patient Initiated Indicator: LED Minute Volume: 0 to 30.0 L/min Tidal Volume: 0 to 500 ml (Inspired and Expired) %Tube Lea:k 0 to 100% Inspiratory Time: 0.1 to 3.10 sec Expiratory Time: 0 to 99.9 sec I:E Ratio: 9.1 to 1:9.9 Peak Inspiratory Pressure: 0 to 99 cmH2O Mean Airway Pressure: 0 to 75.0 cmH2O PEEP: 0 to 30.0 cmH2O Air Pressure: 0 to 100 psig O2 Pressure: 0 to 100 psig Proximal Airway Pressure: 10 to 100 cmH2O (Gauge) Hourmeter: 0 to 99,999 hours Test: Push button Alarms / Limits High Breath Rate: 3 to 255 bpm Low PEEP/CPAP: -5 to 30 cmH2O Low Inspiratory Pressure: 0.25 (High Pressure Limit - Low PEEP/CPAP) + Low PEEP/CPAP Patient Circuit: LED On/Off Failed to Cycle: On/Off Low Gas Supply: LED On/Off Apnea: LED On/Off Pressure Settings Incompatible: LED On/Off Prolonged Inspiratory Pressure: LED On/Off Flow Sensor: LED On/Off Low Battery: LED On/Off Alarm Silence: 60 sec Visual Reset: Push Button High Pressure Limit: 10 to 75 cmH2O Line Power: Green/Red LED

Additional Information

General Information About Ventilators Mechanical Ventilation Use of a machine to induce alternating inflation and deflation of the lungs with air Regulates Oxygen/CO2 levels in blood Volume and Pressure of Air forced into Lungs is controlled Has to meet varying demands of patient ventilation Modes of Ventilation Volume control Pressure control CPAP/BIPAP Support Ventilation Combination Of Modes Intermittent mandatory Ventilation Components of Ventilator System Compressed Gas Source Patient Breathing Circuit Mixer/Blender Hoses Optional monitoring O2 Volume Classification Driving Mechanism Pneumatic (Mark 7) Electronic (Siemens 900C)Function Respirators: Short time ventilator support Conventional Ventilators :long term, advance Support Portability Transport/battery backup Patients Adult Pediatric Or Neonatal Technologies and Jargon Turbine technology High frequency Oscillatory ventilation Modes IMV, SIMV, PC, VC, S/T etc. MRI Compatible (Non ferromagnetic components) Flow Sensors- Volume Measurements Pressure transducers