Combine the functions of an autorefractor, a keratometer, a corneal topographer, and an aberrometer with the VX110 Multi-Diagnostic Unit 4 in 1 device. Multiple functions provide convenience and versatility in a smaller footprint. This device refuses to compromise on the resolution and accuracy of the measurements. These features combined help make the testing procedure easier for both the doctor and the patient. VX110 800px 2Key Features: Shack-Hartmann mapping method High density aberrometry up to 1500 points Topographer up to 100000 points Measures pupils as small as 2mm Autofocusing Automeasurement Autotracking Automatic right / left eye movement Based on Wavefront technology Retro-illumination - spot aberrations in the IOL and cornea scratches easily Global view of refraction aberrations EMR and VX55 digital refraction compatibility 10.4" Color Touchscreen interface