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Luneau Technology
Attitude Lens Edging System

Attitude Lens Edging System

Brand:   Briot
Condition:   New
The Briot Attitude raises the bar for what is possible in your in-house finishing lab.
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The Briot Attitude raises the bar for what is possible in your in-house finishing lab. As one of the fastest lens edging systems on the market, the Attitude utilizes incredible accuracy and speed to position itself as the perfect lens processing solution for any modern optical practice or wholesale lab alike. The edger has 4 different bevel options including a full step bevel and mini bevel. Along with the Smart Design Technology shape creation tool and in chamber drilling; the finished product is only limited by your imagination. Briot Attitude Lens Edging SystemFeatures include: Chemistrie Eyewear that ClicksOne of the fastest retail edgers on the market. Process nearly any job type to avoid having to send out costly jobs to labs. Superior quality of finish and polish provides a premium look and feel that you can be proud of. Smart Design shape customization. Wavefront Power-mapping technology for lens analysis and verification. Briot LinkTM remote servicing. Shelf Bevel to easily process high base-curve wrap frames.